Random files - toddMead's Gallery |
3336 viewsThere was no snow on the ground when we started carting this buck back to the truck.
2579 viewsThe terrain was so steep my knees almost caved in as I went down one side of this box canyon and back up the other side.
3065 viewsI loved fishing as a child. It taught me a lot about myself.
2521 viewsI stand on a ridge where I once killed a good bull.
3568 viewsThis buck came to investigate as I cleared some leaves to sit on opening day. He had just made a handful of scrapes in the area.
3577 viewsI ran out of bullets after wounding this buck. Luckily he died in his bed.
2497 viewsDad and I are a long way from camp.
3907 viewsDad sits under a tree in the area that he shot the Broken Leg Buck.
Last additions - toddMead's Gallery |
Dad's big 8 11/4/123532 viewsFeb 01, 2013
11-pointer i killed on 11/17/124468 viewsFeb 01, 2013
4143 viewsNice 8-pointer I killed in late October 2011.Jan 30, 2013
Dad with his 11/11/11 11-pointer......3386 viewsJan 30, 2013
4233 viewsA good buck on a runway. Never did see him while hunting.Jan 10, 2010
4373 viewsA big doe on a runway. I expected her to have antlers when I saw the body in the frame.Jan 10, 2010
3633 viewsA nice 6-pointer in the same scrape.Jan 10, 2010
3446 viewsA doe in the same scrape.Jan 10, 2010