We all returned to the places we found last night. After further examination it looks pretty good. I found some phenomenal creek crossings. I look forward to sitting here later in the week after I check out a bunch of other land. I have a lot of land to cover in the next four to five days. That’s the bad part about hunting tracts of public land you’ve never been on. You have to cover a lot of ground to find the best places and once you find them, you have to hope nobody else is already hunting there.
Brian saw a really good 10-pointer this morning on the other side of the road from me. Dad and I didn’t see anything. I did have deer running all over the place when I was climbing up the tree in the darkness. This evening I hunted a new area. I carried a stand a long way before setting it up on a transition line along the edge of a field and piece of timber. It looks really good, so I left my stand in the tree. I saw a nice 8-pointer at 5:00 p.m. He was a young buck.
Nobody else saw anything tonight. Although the morning was cool, it warmed up to 75 degrees by the middle of the day. Hopefully, the heat won’t stay too long. I’ve been in the Midwest when the heat stayed all week, and I’ve also experienced it when one day was hot and humid and the next day it was snowing. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.