Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It was 70 degrees when we headed into the woods this morning. Something inside me told me it would be a piss-poor morning………..and it was. Nobody saw a deer this morning.

We headed out of the woods at 11:30 and went road ramming. We decided that we would look at a few different areas. It was definitely worth our time. We covered a lot of ground and found some really good stuff.

Down the road from camp we went into a block of woods from three different directions. We met in the middle of it, and everyone saw decent sign. Brian saw the best sign on the far border of the property. We may come back to hunt it sometime in the future. It has some potential. Brian jumped a few deer.

Our next stop was behind a lake. A few minutes into the woods, Brian jumped a really nice 8-pointer. He guessed it to be about 130 inches. It was laying down about 10 yards from him when it jumped up. It was in no hurry to get out of there.

A few minutes later, I jumped three deer. I could only identify one of them for sure. It was a big doe. This place was the best area I’ve seen in this conservation area. It had everything that I like. I will be hunting there again in the future. Dad liked it, too. It had big rubs, a lot of scrapes, a lot of little rubs, piles of feeding sign, many converging hubs, and a few very defined transition areas.

This evening dad went back down where we hunted this morning. Brian and I continued exploring the place. We beat feet around a swamp to see what se could find, and we found a few more really good places. Although we probably won’t score this year because of the incredible temperatures, we have learned a lot of valuable stuff so far. I feel very confident about the future. I hope we return here some day. I’d love to hunt here when the weather was a little more cooperative.

It was about 87 degrees today when we were ramming. It’s 8:30 p.m. as I’m typing this, and it’s still 75 degrees. The forecast is calling for some thunderstorms later tonight and all day tomorrow. Unfortunately, the temperature is still supposed to be in the low 70s. It doesn’t look good, but we will keep doing our thing and hoping something makes a mistake. We will see what tomorrow brings.


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