Monday, November 11, 2019

The morning started off on a good note. It was calm and relatively cool. There wasn’t much wind for the first few hours after daylight. Nothing seemed to be moving, at least in the area where I chose to sit. 

  As the morning  moved along, the predicted bad weather began rolling in. The wind picked up and the rain began falling. Before long, the temperature had plummeted and the rain turned into freezing rain, eventually becoming snow. It was one of the most miserable days I’ve been in the woods in a long time. I stuck it out in hopes of  catching a glimpse of the deer I’ve been chasing. 

  When the day ended, I had only seen three raccoons. Doug had the best day of all of us. He had three or four bucks go by him at about noon in the stand where I told him to go. Jeff saw a few small deer, and Brian jumped a big buck next to the stand where I sat a few days ago. He was out scouting and wanted to get a more in-depth look at things. 

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