Thursday, November 21, 2019

The weather broke a little today. It was warmer than it has been. The day started off well when I saw a doe and fawn make their way past me shortly after daylight. After that, it slowed to a crawl. Around 11:30, I could hear something coming. The snow was crunchy, and there was no mistaking the noise: it was a deer. Upon seeing it, I quickly identified it as a buck. I put the crosshairs on him and let him walk to me. I never considered nudging the safety into the firing position. It was another 7-pointer. He never stopped and continued his journey. Nose on the ground and with a purpose in mind, he didn’t have a clue that he had just walked within 10-yards of a hunter. Today was that buck’s lucky day. I enjoy watching deer. You can learn a lot when you get to watch deer, especially bucks. I’ve always noticed that when we decide to shoot deer, we usually rush the process. 

  I’m still not feeling well. I just can’t get away from this cold, although I really shouldn’t be getting up at 4 a.m. every day. I’m sure the long days in the less-than-perfect weather conditions haven’t been helping matters. I’m thinking of taking tomorrow off. The weather forecast is calling for wet snow/rain and heavy winds. 

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