Saturday 11/3/12

I spent nine hours in a truck traveling to Illinois today with Bobby’s dad. It was a long day because we didn’t get going until after noon due to a few bucks being killed where Bob was hunting. They were nice, but nothing huge.

Jeff saw a nice buck today. He wanted to shoot it but couldn’t get a shot. Dad saw a few deer today, too and Doug is being Doug and wandering around looking for what looks like the best possible place for the best chance at success this week. I already miss being with them and sharing the camaraderie around camp. Since I got a chance to hunt a prime piece of ground in Illinois there’s no way I could pass it up. At first I felt guilty about going but after talking to dad about it he said he would do the same thing if given the opportunity. It’s still a little weird hearing him tell me stories on the phone. It reminds me of when he used to go to the Southern Zone when I was little and I would wait by the phone with my mom just to hear if he had any luck and what he saw. It’s funny but I hadn’t thought about those phone calls in years until right now. Hopefully I’ll get one of those calls I always enjoyed the most; the one where he told us he got a nice buck. Then we waited with great anticipation for him to get home so we could see the deer.

I’ll be in the woods in the morning and the weather is supposed to be decent. We’ll see what happens.

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