Saturday October 16

It was 40 degrees this morning with a NNE wind where I was hunting. The forecast called for high winds and heavy rain. When I woke up the sky was clear and it was calm. It remained this way until my walk back to the truck. I decided I would walk today and check out a few areas for buck sign.

I found buck sign in the couple of places that I went looking for it. I belive I finally found a buck that I want to see if I can get a look at. I’ll be hunting in the area that that he has torn up in the morning. I found a lot of rubs in a small area. I’m guessing he uses the area in the morning and evening. He has rubs high on the fill facing north and a bunch more on the bottom of the hill facing south. He’s staying within a couple hundred yards on his entry and exit to the area. I have a few days off the week after next. If I’m going to get a look at him it will probably be one of those days if the weather is cooperative.

The weather has been horrendous. We’ve had more rain than we’ve had in a long time for this time of year. There’s standing water throughout the woods and the creeks are working overtime.

The wind is supposed to blow pretty hard again tomorrow. In the morning I’m going to sit on the sign I found today. I’ll probably  put some more miles on my boot leather after I sit for a couple of hours.

It feels great to be in the woods.

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