Sunday September 29, 2013

I got up at 5:10 and headed north. Since it was supposed to get into the mid 70s I wanted to get an early start on the day. When I parked my truck the thermometer read 37 degrees. I welcomed the chilly morning as I stepped out of the truck.

I made quick time to the first camera. I wasn’t surprised to have a bear on it. Luckily this camera wasn’t disturbed by my black furry friend. After transferring the images to another SD card I headed to the next camera. When I got on the flat it’s located on I searched for a couple of scrapes from last year that had licking branches. I wanted to put the camera I pulled the other night in that spot. I found two nice scrapes and placed the camera in the first one. I don’t know what to expect. Hopefully things will follow suit and the deer will mark the licking branch with their scent right through the entire fall. Time will tell.

As I got near my second camera I could see the camera facing in the opposite direction from where I had left it. I knew a bear had gotten its hands on it. After opening it up and looking at the card I found a lot of deer and bear pictures. Nothing really stood out to me and a lot of the pictures were hard to see. I’m not sure I like that camera too much. The quality of the pictures is poor compared to the images from my other cameras. I changed the batteries since the ones in the camera were dead.

I spend the rest of the morning covering some ground. I took down a stand, the only stand I have in there, and moved it to the edge of a swamp. I have a lot of pictures of a spike buck, a fawn and big doe from the middle of the summer up until now. I think this place could get good during the rut. There are a lot of old rubs and scrapes along the edge of the swamp.

When I got to the last few cameras I had in the woods I was a little irritated when I found them on the ground. Bears had gotten to both of them. I might have to get some bear boxes to protect the cameras. I believe one of these cameras has been destroyed. I have a lot of fog in it. I got a picture of a nice Adirondack 8-pointer on one camera before the bear tossed it to the ground. I won’t be back there until the end of October. Something tells me the cameras won’t make it that far, but I have to hope they will. Here are a few pictures from my journey.

This bear is responsible for tossing one of the cameras to the ground.

This bear is responsible for tossing one of the cameras to the ground.


He's not a monster, but he's still a nice ADK buck.

He’s not a monster, but he’s still a nice ADK buck.


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