Sunday 10/13, 2013

My alarm went off at 4:50 this morning. I reached over and hit the snooze button. Nine minutes later it went off again. I felt like crap, so I turned it off and stayed in bed. I really wanted to go, but my exhaustion won the battle. If I didn’t get good rest I knew I would pay for it the rest of the week.

It was cool this morning, but the temperature climbed quickly and by mid afternoon it was in the mid 60s. I ran up on the mountain to check two cameras. The camera on top where I made the mock scrape on Thursday night had a few pictures on it. Seven hours after I made the scrape a big doe came to it and and hour later a coyote was there. I’d assume the smell of the scent I laid down is what attracted them to it. I didn’t expect to see anything, but now that I have I think a buck might show up sometime in the next few weeks. I’ll probably go out tomorrow. For as much time as I’ve spent in the woods I really haven’t spent any time hunting. Once muzzleloader opens next weekend I expect to spend more time sitting. I haven’t found very much promising sign. We really need rain. The woods are too dry right now. Although I want it to rain I hope it doesn’t rain all fall now.

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