Saturday November 23, 2013

We’re just about done. After being on the road for a few weeks I’m ready to return to the Adirondacks. There’s something about being in the mountains that makes me want to be there no matter where I am, even if the hunting is good and the bucks are big and plentiful. It’s the challenge of taking a mountain buck that draws me in and makes me return every year. It’s where I know what I”m doing and feel like there’s a lot less luck involved when I track one down that I have my eye on and am lucky enough to put him on the ground.

I saw 11 does this morning and seven bucks. I saw a small 10, a couple nice 8s and an 8 with a forked right G-2. I thought about it, but only for a second. I saw the last buck at noon and he was hot on the trail of a doe. At that point I was too cold to sit any longer, so I had to get down. The temperature never got over 20 degrees and the wind made it feel much colder. Tonight I saw on the rock fence crossing again. I saw 13 does, but not one buck. I still can’t figure that out. At this point I need a miracle.

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