I think every year we learn a little about ourselves and life in general. Instead of writing something about the year I’m leaving behind, I think I’ll bullet point different things that crossed my mind at some point in 2024.
- Things can change in the blink of an eye; always keep one eye open so you see it coming
- Without a clear mind, it’s difficult to accomplish goals
- Making lists and crossing things off them ensures you stay on track
- Going to bed early and getting up early is easy when you have a purpose
- The best role model one could ask for is a parent, but both parents as role models is amazing
- Watching a loved one suffer without ever complaining is inspiring
- Everyone can be replaced
- In corporate America, you are nothing more than a number… be prepared when your number is called
- People choose different paths… let your feet carry you down the one that you define as your own
- In most things in life, it’s not what you know… it’s who you know and what they can do for you
- You’re an average of the five closest people to you… take a good look at those people
- It’s your life; Live it for yourself, not others
- Healthcare in America is all about making money
- Sometimes you can try too hard
- Starting over when you’re within reach of retiring isn’t much fun
- Working a lifetime and giving up money for a flexible schedule and time off doesn’t always pay off
- Loyalty between employees and employers is a thing of the past
- Having hobbies helps during down times
- Writing soothes the soul
- Seeing old friends and not missing a beat is a great thing
- Realizing how fast life really goes is depressing
- Having parents who let me learn how to fail has been a great life lesson
- Being in the company of greatness makes you learn how to appreciate the small victories
- Knowing someone who is one of the best in the world at their craft is humbling
- Having great friends from near and far is amazing
- Missing a pet from the past can be depressing
- Election years are chaotic
- Different viewpoints in politics should never change your opinion of a person’s character
- It’s odd how so many places are all about inclusion, yet if you don’t believe what they believe you are wrong
- The future can never be told
- The past can make you smile and cry
- The present allows you to be strong and steady
- Accountability is the key to moving forward, accepting defeat, and living your best life
- Not meeting goals can be irritating
- Meeting goals can be inspiring and rewarding
- Searching for the perfect job can be tiring
- Waiting for the right opportunity takes patience
- Having good friends to share thoughts with is priceless