Traditionally, this has been one of my better days in the woods. I’ve killed some really good ones on November 13, including the Ice Buck featured in my first book. I went back to one of the places I hunted last week.
I saw a lot of bucks today, including a really good 9-pointer and an even better 8-pointer. It was a fun day. Brian hunted dad’s stand in this same area. He saw a handful of bucks. Jeff and Doug hunted back up north today. Jeff saw 12-15 deer, and one of them was a giant. He couldn’t get a shot at it, but it left him with a memory that will be hard to erase. Although Doug sat within a hundred yards of Jeff, he only saw three deer. Dad hunted down near camp today. He saw a bunch of little bucks, but nothing he wanted to shoot. Here are a few trail camera pictures from the area where Jeff sat this morning.