Saturday November 12, 2011

We arrived in Kansas today. It was a long ride and we got stuck in a 2-3 hour traffic jam. By the time we got here we didn’t have very much time to hunt before dark. We both wanted to get in the woods so we hunted for a couple of hours. I saw three does make their way across the top of the cornfield near where I was sitting just as it was getting dark. Dad saw a couple of bucks in a piece of woods we call The Big Timber. It was 62 degrees and windy. The wind was out of the southwest. Since I’m writing this after the fact and copying from my journal I’ll try to post trail-cam pictures from the day they were taken on to make it easier and more entertaining. We saw a few big bucks in Illinois this morning on our trip. They were chasing does in fields next to the road. Since my computer isn’t working well at all I’m not sure how the updating process will be for my journal. I’ll do the best I can over the next week. Bear with me. We killed this deer one year ago today.

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