I wanted to get out yesterday to check two of my cameras in the southern ADK’s and put a few more out, but I didn’t make it. That’s why I decided to leave work on time today and get in the woods. I spent longer than I would have liked, but I also got everything done that I set out to do.
I checked the batteries and SD cards on the two cameras I had in the woods. I didn’t see much activity. I got some coyotes and a few does. I wandered around a little and ended up putting a camera next to “The Rock” that I refer to in both of my books. There seems to be a lot of sign around it this year and I got pictures of three different bucks there last year near the end of the season. I hope to get all of them on film again this year. When I set the camera a found a bunch of moose droppings. Since I’ve never gotten a trail cam picture of a moose I would be ecstatic if I get one. I feel pretty confident about The Rock. I might actually sit there opening day of archery or muzzleloader. I guess time will tell.
I received a couple of pictures from my buddy in Kansas today. One is a dandy 13-pointer. I’d love to get a crack at him when I’m out there in mid-November. The other pictures are a couple of nice 8’s. They’re pretty common out there. They’re really nice deer, but nothing fantastic.