Thursday October 21

I decided that I would climb the front of the mountain today and circle around the back of it on my way out. Since the light on and off rain would keep the woods quiet I figured I would sneak and peek for a few hours. My main goal was to find a few places that bucks were working and anything beyond that would be a plus.

When I reached the top of the mountain my lower legs were burning. I ignored the uncomfortable feeling and pushed forward. I wanted to check a flat where I’ve seen a lot of deer over the years. When I got down on the flat I saw the usual meandering tracks as well as the long-time runways that criss-cross on it. I didn’t find any fresh rubs or scrapes although there was plenty of deer sign.

As I wandered around I finally came across a few scrapes in an area that I’ve spent some time in. I think the scrapes might belong to the same buck that is doing some rubbing a little ways away from there. I’ll never know for sure, but I can assume for now.

Shortly before dark the rain came down in buckets. It was mixed with sleet which made it even more uncomfortable. I slowly picked my way around the mountain. With all of the leaves on it’s pretty hard to see very far. I came across two beds, one of which was pretty large.

When I finally decided the hunt was over I put my head down and picked up the pace. A few seconds later I was quickly reminded that the hunt is never over until you’re out of the woods. I let my guard down just in time to pick my head up to see a deer bounding down the hill. I’m not sure what the deer was but if I had to guess I think it was a small buck. I checked his tracks in a small patch of mud. With the rounded hooves I think it may have been a small buck.

The weather has been nasty. I’ve been waiting for good wind to hunt the oak flat where I killed the Grunter many years ago, but it’s just not cooperating so far. We’ll have to see what the coming days bring.

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