Sunday November 17, 2013

I sat in the Waterway Locust today. Every year I’m on this property something tells me to sit there. It looks like the perfect place to ambush a big buck. While I’ve seen some nice bucks there I’ve never seen a real smasher. I’m hoping that it might change this year. Right after it got light I saw a mature buck with broken tines. He was trolling the edge of the cornfield on the hill across from the stand. He was a mature deer, but his rack didn’t correspond with the size of his body. At 10:15 I had a small 8-pointer make his way down the hill and across the gap in front of me.

Dad saw the long tined 8 chasing a doe through the North Bowl this morning. He couldn’t slow it down to get a shot and said the buck was gone almost as quickly as he came. This evening I sat in one of my favorite trees in the Big Timber. Since the first year I came out it’s a place I feel comfortable. I enjoy it there even if I don’t see any deer. I’m not even sure it’s a good spot, but it always feels good to sit there. It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s almost like a comfy recliner that you don’t want to get rid off even though it hurts your back. Dad sat in the plot below me.

I saw six does in a group. They fed by me and headed down the hill. A short time later I had a small 8-pointer chase a doe past me. Two of the does in the group were standing, but no bucks entered the arena, which really surprised me. Dad saw seven does tonight. The wind just doesn’t want to let up.

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