Monday November 18, 2013

It was cold and relatively calm this morning, which means the wind was probably blowing about 10mph. I sat in the big timber again. I saw four bucks and a doe. One 8-pointer was a good one. One small spike. A little 6-pointer and a buck with an injured leg. Tonight I sat in buck alley. I took video of a coyote trying to hunt down a fawn. The coyote didn’t look too healthy.

Dad saw two bucks tonight and one appeared to be pretty decent. He sat in the bottom down near Brandon’s Ladder. He got some pretty cool trail cam pictures of bucks in scrapes on my camera. This morning he passed a mature 10 with a pretty big body. The buck didn’t have very long tines. He saw five bucks and five does.





Two bucks in the same scrape the same day.

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