Archive for March 24th, 2009

Searching for the Spiritual Meaning

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

I’m not an overly religious person, but I do consider myself spiritual. I’ve often sat back and listened to different people discuss their prayers. I find it somewhat ironic that most people only pray when they need something. I’m not sure why that is, but I’m sure it happens more times than not. I try to say a few prayers every night before I go to sleep. I always ask for good health and happiness for my friends and family.

I’ve had many things happen to me throughout my life that I can’t explain. They claim that everything happens for a reason which I believe to some extent. However, many times things appear out of nowhere that have no reason behind them. These are the things that keep me wondering.

Last summer I met someone by pure chance. I have only been to the track in Saratoga twice in my life and last August was the second time after a 20 years hiatus. I’ve never been drawn to the track as so many others are every summer. I prefer a more laid back atmosphere and I value my money too much to risk throwing it away, even if it’s a couple dollars. Therefore, when my friend asked me to meet him there I told him I had a prior commitment. He was disappointed, but he left the invitation open in case I changed my mind.

After waking up to a steady downpour that day my previous plans were canceled. As the morning dragged on and the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds I decided I might as well go to the track for a few hours. I had been feeling in the dumps and I knew that I could use a change of pace to lighten the load on my back. I knew that my friend would be very entertaining. I would be sure to get an afternoon filled with laughs, if nothing else.

When I got there it was almost impossible to find a parking place because it was T-shirt day. I parked more than a mile from the front gate. As I walked alone I passed by people from all walks of life. I silently took it all in. While I took notice of many individuals, none of them struck me in any particular way. They all seemed to blend in with one another and before I knew it I was at that gate.

Once inside, I met my friend and gathered a few T-shirts for my mother and brother. After all, I had to make good on my promise to get them a collector’s item. As one hour passed into the next I knew that I should get going to beat the crowd. I had a wonderful day and I wanted to leave with visions of that dancing in my head. However, as I got ready to say goodbye a booming clap of thunder sounded. The sky instantly became dark and the rain started pelting the ground from above. Everyone scattered and huddled under umbrellas.

As I stood there a petite woman with shoulder length brown hair caught my gaze. She was looking in my direction and within seconds our eyes met. I instantly felt something race through my body that is still unexplainable. It was almost as if I had been hit my lightning, but I knew that wasn’t the case.  Still, to this day, I can’t tell you exactly what it was, but I felt it. As we exchanged eye contact for the briefest of moments I was caught between wanting to leave and wanting to stay. For some unknown reason she caught my attention and I yearned to learn why. As the rain came down harder I tried analyzing the feelings radiating through my body. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but I almost instantly knew that I was met to meet that woman for a particular reason. I wasn’t sure if I would ever find out why, but I wanted to pursue the answer.

As the storm blew over and the rain skidded to a halt I made my way toward the woman. She was wearing green shorts and a white top. She was very attractive and wore small wire framed glasses. If I had to categorize her I would say she was of the studious, librarian type. I was drawn to her. Something inside me was telling me to engage in conversation. Within seconds I found myself chatting with her. It was a very brief discussion and I left after a few minutes.

As I turned my back and headed for the car the feeling came to me again. It was very strong and once again I knew there was an underlying reason why we met. I didn’t know if I would ever find out, but I decided I would keep walking, let the feelings race through my body and eventually seek the answer to my question. The walk seemed like it took a long time. Visions of her narrow face and brown hair kept dancing through my head. After I got in the car and headed north I couldn’t free her image from my mind. Although I tried, it sat there like a brick wall. Before long my phone was ringing and my friend called to make sure I made it back to the car ok. I assured him that I did. Then, he told me he got the woman’s phone number for me. This journey was becoming stranger by the minute.

Well a lot of time has passed since that day. However, I did contact her within a few days after meeting her. Since them we have become very close friends and we share many deep conversations with one another on a regular basis. Normally I wouldn’t let such simple things bother me, but I’m still not sure how she appeared out of nowhere, came into my life and is still there today. We have become very attached mentally. We share similar past experiences which makes our ability to communicate much easier.

I know that there was a reason why I met this woman, but I don’t know what it is yet. It’s funny how things sometimes take so long to figure out. I’m sure that over a matter of time the picture will become more visible to me. I’m thankful in many ways for the spiritual meeting because it brought out parts of me that had been hidden deep within my soul for far too long. As we formed a very close friendship I rediscovered parts of myself that I feared were lost forever. It was my fault for letting them go, but it was through her help that brought these things back to the surface.

I’ve realized that sometimes we press too hard for the answers that are right there in front of us. The answer probably is within sight, but it still appears very gray to me. I’m hoping to one day roll out of bed and have it splash me in the face like a ray of sunshine. I’m not sure that will be the best thing though, because then the mystery will be over. That’s why I enjoy everything as it is right now. However, something inside me tells me that this chance meeting has brought me something that will help me the rest of my life. I’m not sure if it brought me new confidence, a friend for life, or simply uncovered the real me. Whatever it might be, I can still feel it and it is very powerful. That’s why I don’t push. I live in the moment, take it all in and allow life to take me where it’s going to.

If you are ever overwhelmed by a chance encounter make sure to pay attention. Far too many people pass it off as nothing more than coincidence. When I feel the energy and the loss of breath I know it’s much deeper. This person was sent to me for a reason. What the reason is may never be determined, but I’ll always be thankful because I now have a new outlook on life……………………………………………….maybe that’s it right there, but I don’t think so. With every new day comes a new opportunity to live in the moment and take everything for what it’s worth. The answer is looming in the distance. I’m steadily walking in that direction to see if I can get my hands around it and gently hold on as it brings that spiritual energy to me on a daily basis.